Modern hearing aids are small marvels delivering exceptional sound quality and a wide range of features to help you better manage your hearing loss.

Hearing aids help you keep up with the latest project at the workplace, enjoy a long-awaited concert, or just catch up with your best friend over coffee. Their performance is critical to how you navigate the world, so it’s important to keep your hearing aids in great shape.

Maintaining your hearing aids is simple once you know what to do. Make caring for your hearing aids part of your daily routine, and caring for them will become a habit. Most issues that arise with your hearing aid can be fixed with a little troubleshooting, but occasionally something may arise that requires bigger repairs or adjustments then you can complete at home. Just as it is important to know how to maintain your hearing aids, it is also critical to recognize when your hearing aid may need repair. When that happens, The Beaufort Sound is here to help.

Caring for Your Hearing Aids

Your daily maintenance routine with your hearing aids is designed to keep them working in tip-top shape for a long time. The top two factors that contribute to performance issues with hearing aids are particles and moisture. Hearing aids are manufactured with durability in mind. Components will be sealed with moisture and particle-resistant coating. Even with this precaution, the ear canal can be a challenging place for avoiding moisture and particles.

When you take your hearing aids out at the end of the day, give them a wipe-down with a clean, lint-free cloth or clean, soft toothbrush. Inspect your hearing aids for any ear wax residue, dust or particles. Some hearing aids will have an earwax guard with a filter component. When you get your hearing aids, your hearing specialist will show you how to check and replace any filters on your hearing aid. If you wear a behind-the-ear hearing aid with plastic tubing, inspect the tubing for condensation or other signs of moisture. It is a good idea to store your hearing aids in a small dehumidifying case, especially if you live in a humid climate or sweat often.

If you use a hearing aid with disposable batteries, be sure to keep fresh batteries on hand. When changing batteries, be sure to check the battery compartment for signs of corrosion or damage. Sometimes corrosion and debris can be removed by opening and closing the battery compartment several times. Avoid coming in skin-to-skin contact with corrosion – clean away any particles with a tissue or small brush. If the corrosion isn’t entirely removed with this procedure, it is time to bring your hearing aid to a professional for cleaning and testing.

Some hearing aids are more resistant to water and vapor than others, but you should always take out your hearing aids before getting your head wet. Remove your hearing aids and store them in a waterproof case before showering, bathing, and swimming. Make sure your hands and ears are dry and clean before returning them to your ears.

Hearing Aid Repair

Even when you take diligent care of your hearing aids, sometimes issues may arise. Know when it is time to seek expert repair for your hearing aids, and know you can count on Beaufort Sound for swift, thorough repairs.

Persistent feedback or whistling is often a sign that your hearing aid isn’t properly fitting in your ear canal. Custom earmolds are often fundamental to your hearing aids performance. Problems can develop if the shape of the earmold is altered or the shape of your ear canal changes dimensions. Even in full-grown adults, the ear canal can take on a new shape over time, especially if there are changes to your health, weight, or diet.

Cracks or holes in the casing or tubing of your hearing aid can lead to big problems. The outer shell of your hearing aid protects the tiny computer systems within from exposure and damage. Never try to repair the shell of your hearing aid by yourself. Instead, bring your hearing aid to The Beaufort Sound for professional repair that won’t risk causing bigger problems.

Many simple hearing aid problems can be troubleshot by observing basic home maintenance. If a problem with your device persists even after ensuring it is clean, turned on, and has fresh or charged batteries, our team can help you discern what is wrong and correct the issue. Scheduling a professional cleaning with us at The Beaufort Sound can help you avoid bigger repair issues as well.